Hiring For Fintech? Streamline Your Process

Nika Matiashvili
May 2024

Say goodbye to mountains of applications and hello to streamlined recruitment that attracts and engages top talent!

Defining Your Talent Needs

Before starting on your talent quest, you really should define what you need from your candidates. What specific skills and experience are you looking for? What type of personality you’re after?

Fintech recruiter thinking about candidates
Finding the dream candidate shouldn't be so hard

Identifying Key Roles and Responsibilities

To determine the needs of your future candidate, you need to identify the specific skills and knowledge you are looking for. For instance, if you are hiring a payment system manager, your candidate should be proficient in at least one of the following skills: card networks (Visa, Mastercard, etc…), digital wallets, alternative payment methods, data security regulations, or some programming languages like Python, Bash, or PowerShell. On the other hand, if you are hiring for a data analysis role, the candidate should have machine learning or data analysis expertise.
A specific and direct job description, with optional and mandatory skills, may get you fewer resumes, but it would be quality over quantity. See more below.

Aligning Hiring Goals with Company Culture

Are you looking to build a strong and productive team that thrives in a collaborative environment, like a group of friends planning a surprise party? Make sure your hiring aligns with your company’s values and culture. This fosters a cohesive and motivated team that’ll propel your business forward.

A good way to do it is by exhibiting the company culture on your website and social media and directing applicants to check it out. 

On website:

  • Use your About Us page to paint a picture of your company’s personality, values, and mission. Go beyond generic statements and weave in real stories and anecdotes that exemplify your culture.
  • Feature employees from different departments and share their stories. What do they love about working at your company? Or how does your culture support their growth and development?
  • Put office environment photos, team events, and day-to-day activities. Use high-quality visuals that capture the energy and spirit of your workspace.

On Social Media:

  • Share snippets of your team collaborating, celebrating wins, or participating in fun activities. Use Instagram Stories, Twitter threads, or short TikTok videos to give a peek into your company’s personality.
  • Create videos with titles like “Day in the Life of a Data Analyst” or “Day in the Life of a Product Manager”. Isn’t it great to have a unique and authentic perspective that you won’t find in an official company voice? -Just try it. The name of the tactic is Employee-generated content (EGC).
  • Weave your company values into social media content organically. For example, if you value collaboration, showcase how your team tackles projects together. If you emphasize work-life balance, share photos of employee outings of flexible work arrangements.

Let's Jump Into the Job Posting Pool

Your job posting is like the first impression. Become a writer for a while and create an engaging job description as a Harry Potter book.

Job Description - You Snooze, You Lose!

Want to make sure your job description is smooth and easy to understand? Here are 6 steps to help you create a cool description:

  1. Define their ideal skills, experience, and passion for the industry.
  2. Don’t just list duties - picture their impact and growth potential.
  3. Showcase your company’s mission, values, and impact on the fintech world.
  4. Use industry buzzwords strategically to show an understanding of the landscape.
  5. Don't be afraid to inject humor into the description.
  6. Use your brand’s unique tone of voice.

Where Talent Is Hidden

And yet where could our charming candidate be hiding? They may be standing next to us, but we don't know about them at all. We can easily find them on social media, and job boards or be proactive and attract them. Don’t just post your jobs anywhere. It will take time.
Choose targeted job boards and social media platforms to reach the talent you’re looking for. Think of it like fishing at the perfect spot instead of casting your line into a random pond.

Here are some recommended platforms that are perfect for finding talented candidates:

The Race For Successful Hiring

Initial Screening and Technical Interviews

If It’s time for an initial or technical interview, Let me share some tips that might come in handy before you get started.

What should you keep in mind before your first interview?

  • Provide candidates with a detailed job description outlining responsibilities and responsibilities. 
  • Share company culture resources like videos or employee testimonials to give candidates a deeper understanding.
  • Use a friendly and welcoming tone in communication.

Before the technical interview:

  • Collaborate with technical experts to generate role-specific technical questions.
  • Consider utilizing case studies or real-world technical challenges that are relevant to the role.
  • Include questions about teamwork and experience collaborating with diverse technical teams.

Bonus tip for you: It is important to provide all candidates with clear feedback, even if they are not selected. This shows professionalism and helps to build a positive employer brand for future recruitment.

Need Help Finding The Right Talent? Try Outsourcing

And yet, are you tired of sifting through resumes taller than Mount Everest only to find tumbleweeds of mediocrity? Do you feel like your current hiring process is stuck in a time-wrap? Fear not. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is here to be your secret weapon for top talent access, smarter hiring, and improved hiring ROI that’ll make your CFO do a happy dance.

Your Secret Weapon for Top Talent Access

Can you imagine working without endless job boards and frustrating interviews with candidates who barely qualify for the role? With RPO, you get a team of super-powered recruiters who know the talent landscape like the back of their hand. With their expert help, you’ll have an epic talent pool that you’ll need a lifeguard.

Improved Candidate Quality and Time to Hire

Time is money, and bad hires are like leaky faucets, they drain your resources faster than you can say “budget crisis”. RPO streamlines your process, cuts down on time-to-hire, and ensures you’re snagging the best talent before they disappear like a flash mob. Think of it as hiring on fast-forward, without the Fast & Furious-style crashes.

Ready to ditch the hiring headaches and embrace recruitment nirvana?
Here we are Nine to Five Recruitment for all things RPO. Why not contact us today and we can work together to make it happen? Waiting for your answer!


Free coffee and peace of mind included.

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