How To Tackle Talent Shortage

Robert Glass
May 2023

In the past three years, there has been a disruption in the global economy, and due to these events, people started making adjustments and re-evaluating their decisions, and life choices, deciding on moving to smaller cities, relocating, or taking their experience to different places, new roles, or switching industries.

The immense talent pool that was once filled with uber-talented people is now smaller. Culture, benefits, compensation, and requirements need to be addressed, altered, re-evaluated, or more flexible.

So at the end of the day, where should employers start? How can a business re-adjust itself when facing an increase in talent demand but low on obtaining qualified talent, or talent at all?

Pitch Your Company

In the good old days, when candidate variety was a thing, the interview process was simple and generic. The candidate would meet an interviewer, who would also act as the company's gatekeeper. The candidate would answer questions about themselves, their experience, and specifics on capabilities, problem-solving, etc.

Only after about a 30-45 minute conversation would the interviewer quickly explain the company and move quickly to the following interview.

In today's reality, the initial conversation with any candidate is very different. It has to be conducted by someone who can identify hidden talents, keep ongoing engagement with the candidate, ask the right questions, and sometimes even lead the candidate to the correct answer since sometimes the question is not very clear (usually happens when interviewing someone whose mother tongue is foreign). But most of all, it should be someone who can sell your company to the candidate. Highlight why the candidate should choose you over the competition. It has a lot to do with salary, but more than once, it could be growth opportunities, culture, and other sorts of benefits.

The Three-In-One-Job Approach

In this time of lack of talent, companies tend to come up with new jobs, usually incorporating three jobs into one. In such cases, a recruiter must find someone well-experienced in all three job descriptions, which is generally extremely hard to find. Seeing parallel skills makes the job more manageable. A well-experienced candidate with a background in the desired skill set could easily transition into this new role and learn to perfect their missing qualities quicker than it will take to find someone proficient in all the checkboxes for this new role. 

Find the desired skill sets and relevant background, and build yourself a candidate persona. It will make the search, hiring, onboarding, and retention process much easier and provide a challenging and professional growth opportunity for the candidate.

Switching To Part Time

Many experienced workers are ready to switch their personal and professional lifestyles. This switch means applying one's talents to multiple places - working two days a week at one company and working three at another. This type of employment could benefit both the hiring company and the candidate.

The hiring company is getting a highly experienced worker who can produce better results in the short time they are working than a full-time employee with less experience could.

For the candidate, it provides work diversity, has a tremendous social benefit by working and meeting different people, and reduces the chances of workplace burndown.

Of course, each approach has pros and cons, but this is an innovative approach that could benefit those looking for a bit of innovation in their hiring process.

Working With Sourcing And Recruitment Agencies

To save time and money on the recruitment process, some companies prefer to outsource the recruitment process to agencies that have specific expertise in sourcing for different business areas.

These agencies are not replacing the company's recruitment team. They save time by screening candidates and bringing only the most qualified candidates to the internal team for further interviews. These agencies usually have large databases with a greater talent reach than the hiring company by accessing more talent.

These agencies' screening process reduces hiring risks and matches the candidates with the company's culture and DNA. 

If you are facing similar challenges, feel free to contact us for an easier recruitment process.

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